10th Anniversary Campaign: 54% to the Goal!

Since our last 10th Anniversary Campaign update, we have received $2099 in donations totaling $34,792.89 from individuals and businesses since we celebrated our first decade of programming (June 2017).

We are 54% to our $65,000 goal! To stay on schedule, we need $1208 by 12/31/17 from donationssponsorships, and memberships.

We are asking our community to consider donating $50, $25, or even just $5 to enable us provide continue and improve the caliber of programs that we offer Chicago’s creative community.

Support our 10th Anniversary Campaign

Ways to Support our Campaign:

  1. Make a cash donation. Join our Giving Circle with a $250+ donation.
  2. Become a Spudnik Press Member.
  3. Contribute specifically to the Equipment Fund.
  4. Ask your employer to become a Sponsor.
  5. Add a $1 donation when you attend Open Studio sessions.

Donor Incentives:

First Time Donors:
Donate at any level to be entered in a raffle to win a Winter 2018 class or workshop or Spudnik Press merchandise.

Donors at $250+ Level:
As a member of our Giving Circle, you and a guest will be invited to our donor-exclusive Ink & Drink Art Party on Friday, January 26.

Make a tax deductible donation