Join the Peasantry! 2014 Tomato Shares & Kickstarter Campaign

Our farmer friends at Peasants’ Plot are excited to continue to serve CSA shares to Spudnik. 2014 is a special year… It’s the Year of The Tomato!

While Julia and Todd work on their Vegetables Are People, Too” Farm Infrastructure Project, the 2014 CSA* will offer three different types of tomato shares.  Their new addition is the innovative Canning Share that will encourage the practice of extending our short Midwestern season well into the winter.  Julia will be “geeking out” on canning info and classes in the city, so that everyone understands how easy this practice is!

Please visit their Kickstarter Campaign to see how you can help and learn about their Worker Share Program, or head to their website to sign up for a 2014 Tomato Share!

*Community Supported Agriculture