Spudnik Press Holiday Art Sale & Potluck Yeti Party
Thursday, December 6, 2012
Spudnik Press and The Annex
1821 W Hubbard,
Suites 302/303
FREE to attend
Join Spudnik Press for our first ever Holiday Art Sale!! On December 6th, we will be hosting a variety of artists who will be selling their work to the public.
Artists include: Joanne Vena, Emily Serruto, Jessica de la Cruz, Masha Gololobova, Amanda Sukenick, Double Blind, Elke Claus, Tara Leigh Zanzig, Andrew Lautner, Andrew Ghrist , Liz Born, Ashlee Mays, Brad Rohloff, Grace Culloton, Xerox Candy Bar, Sean McKay , Craig Hansen, Daniel Ireland, Vincent Martin, Allison Taylor, Cara Dailey, Polly Yates, Back To Print, Devin Harries, Jasmine Basci, Brandy Barker, Ness Rago, Rachel Calderon, and Sam Schultz.
Spudnik press has had over 120 members this year alone making awesome work and helping the space expand into what it is today! This holiday season, we will be displaying and selling work from our faithful members and artists from around the city. Not only that, but we are inviting everyone to participate in our holiday potluck! This is a thank you to all our members for being so wonderful and an invitation for everyone else to come celebrate the season and check out the new space: The Annex!