Four of our all-star printers are curating an exhibition that will be part of the Milwaukee Avenue Arts Festival. The application deadline is June 1. For all the details, download theMAAF Calling Home Entry.
Calling Home
Curators: Liz Born, Michelle Mashon, Matthew Messmer, Jill Nahrstedt for Spudnik Press
Exhibition Description
What defines “home”? How do we make “home”? Is “home” exclusively a physical place? Must it be permanent or can it be transient? Can it be taken away or rebuilt?
We see a common thread through many of today’s current issues that implore us to ask these questions; issues of immigration, foreclosures and natural disasters have led us to redefine & examine our ideas of “home”. In tandem with Spudnik Press, Calling Home will be show of print-based works (books and sculptural print-based works also encouraged) that explore how different artists define & question the identity of home through their experiences.