Ten x Ten | 2010 Edition
Medium: Screenprints; .MP3 files
Year: 2010
Edition Size: 275
Dimensions: 10×10″
Ten x Ten is a collaboration between visual artists and musicians exploring visual and auditory interaction. By challenging artists to conceptualize their work across media, Ten x Ten asks participants stretch and expand their creative process. Through producing a limited edition compilation and public presentation of the resulting artworks, Ten x Ten documents, celebrates, and promotes Chicago’s artistic community.
In the 2010 Edition, ten visual artists invited a musician or band to join the project by recording an original song. Each artist then created a 10″ x 10″ print inspired by the song they commissioned.
Prints by Dee Clements, Sanya Glisic, Kathleen Judge, Angee Lennard, Onsmith, Colin Palombi, Joey Potts, Grant Reynolds, Tom Smith, and Sonnenzimmer. Songs by Locks, Max Alexander, The Late Model Races, Strictly Jug Nuts, Sky Event, Netherfriends, Nones, Christine Kick, Blasted Diplomats, and Jason Adasiewicz. Liner notes by Alexander Stewart.
The collection of prints includes a download code for ten unique tracks, a hand-printed folio, and a plastic protective sleeve.
More details at tenxtenchicago.com