2015 Hashbrown Chili Cook-Off Chef Profile: North Branch Projects

This week, we are highlighting all of the 12 organizations that will compete in the 2015 Hashbrown Chili Cook-Off. #10 on the list is North Branch Projects.

Spudnik Press Cooperative (SPC): What is North Branch Projects

North Branch Projects is an independently run project space located in Albany Park that serves as a community bookbinding facility. The space provides an outlet for exploring the creative process in a neighborhood where few resources exist for the arts. There are two major components to the space:The first is an ongoing community binding project that serves as the foundation for all of the work being created. Free to all, these gatherings have participants working on a collaborative hand-made book archive, binding individuals together quite literally in a group workshop setting. The second is an entrepreneurial venture that funds the majority of the community binding efforts. Various book-making workshops are held in the bindery and custom-made books and related objects are sold in conjunction with the bindery’s goals of promoting art to the general public.

(SPC): What are three food-related adjectives you would use to describe your organization?

North Branch Projects: Slow cooking, fermented, and tasty. Because we are on hiatus from our studio, we are like your favorite kimchi, carefully ripening for a pungent come-back!

(SPC): In what ways does your chili embody your organization?

North Branch Projects: Community Binding is largely a group effort. We’re consulting our favorite chefs to cultivate an inventive and delectable chili.

(SPC): What is your favorite place in the city to enjoy a hot bowl of soup?

 North Branch Projects: L.D. Pho on Lawrence Ave!

(SPC): If you could invite anyone, past or present, to chat over a bowl of chili, who would you choose?

 North Branch Projects: Mr. Rodgers

(SPC): Do you have any words of warning for fellow contestants?

North Branch Projects: “There are three ways to ultimate success: The first way is to be kind. The second way is to be kind. The third way is to be kind.” -Mr. Rodgers

(SPC): You’ve competed before. What keeps you coming back?

 North Branch Projects: So our crockpots don’t get lonely…