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Member Workshop: Basic Relief Printing

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Relief printmaking dates as far back as the 7th century and is considered the oldest form of printmaking. An image is carved into a block of wood or linoleum, which is then inked and pressed to transfer the image. The tools are simple and approachable, but the possibilities are expansive.

In Basic Relief Printing, students will plan, carve, and print a linoleum block. The class guides students through the process of transferring an image onto their block and techniques for creating line, shape, contrast, and texture. By the end of class, students will print their images by hand, taking home a small edition.



Programs at Spudnik Press are partially supported by grants from the Illinois Arts Council Agency, the Driehaus Foundation, and the Gaylord & Dorothy Donnelley Foundation.

This project is partially supported by a Chicago Arts Recovery Program grant from the City of Chicago Department of Cultural Affairs & Special Events.