Posts Categorized: Calls for Artists

2018-2019 Studio Fellowship: Call for Applications

Deadline to Apply: Sunday, October 14, 2018

Spudnik Press is now accepting applications for our November 2018 – May 2019 Studio Fellowship program.

The Spudnik Press Cooperative Studio Fellowship is committed to providing promising emerging artists in the Chicagoland area with comprehensive artistic and professional development support. The Studio Fellowship packages a multitude of opportunities for artists to advance their artistic practice.

During this seven-month program, fellows receive unfettered access to Spudnik’s expansive printmaking facilities. By working in our print shop and monitoring weekly Open Studio sessions, fellows regularly engage with our community of printmakers and benefit from ongoing guidance and feedback from staff and peers.

Additionally, the Studio Fellowship’s weekly professional development seminar equips our fellows with the tools and resources to be able to set personal and financial goals, strengthen their proposal writing and teaching artistry, learn how to promote themselves and their work, and much more. Fellows also have the unique experience of planning and presenting up to two culminating public projects.

Fellows also receive advanced notice and discounted registration for all Professional Practices Programs offered to our members. Opportunities include portfolio reviews with curators, off-site visits to resources and arts professionals throughout Chicago, exhibition opportunities, and more. By gifting each fellow a complimentary one-year Studio Membership, fellows can continue to take advantage of all member opportunities for the five months following their fellowship.

Studio Fellowship Mission

The Spudnik Press Cooperative Studio Fellowship is an intensive seven-month program that provides emerging artists opportunities to develop the artistic and professional skills needed to build a successful career in the arts. Key program components work in conjunction to provide mentorship, technical training, meaningful interactions with art professionals, public programming experience, and leadership opportunities. These key program components consist of the following:

  • Access to professional printmaking facilities.
  • Weekly seminars addressing various elements of professional practices.
  • Leadership experience through regularly monitoring Open Studio sessions.
  • Presentation opportunities through two culminating public projects.

Furthermore, as ambassadors of Spudnik Press Cooperative, Fellows play an important role in ensuring our members and studio users have a welcoming experience at our shop and also help us grow our community. The contributions Fellows make to our day-to-day operations are invaluable and help shape the future of our facilities.


The Studio Fellowship program best supports:

  • Emerging artists, typically recent college graduates.
  • Artists with substantial printmaking experience, such that they are able to perform all monitoring duties.
  • Artists whose current art practice requires access to printmaking facilities.
  • Artist who have are already dedicated to a regular studio practice.
  • Artists who are able to commit about 8 hours a week to the fellowship program in addition to maintaining their art practice.
  • Artists whose goal is to create or sell art a primary source of income.
  • Artist in transitional points in their career.
  • Artists seeking opportunities to meet Chicago-based arts professionals.
  • Artists interested in building meaningful connections with a creative community.

To Apply

Please thoroughly review the SPC Fellowship Information Packet. Download and complete the 2018_2019 Studio Fellowship Application Form. Return this application form and all requested materials to no later than Sunday, October 14, 2018.

Important Dates

Deadline to Apply: Sunday, October 14, 2018
Fellowship Period: November 1, 2018 – May 31, 2019
Weekly Professional Development Seminar:  Most Wednesdays from 2 – 4 p.m.
Individual Monitor Shifts Begin
: Saturday, December 1, 2018

Any inquiries regarding our Studio Fellowship can be directed to Marcela A. Serment,

2019 Call for Exhibition Proposals

Deadline to Apply: Sunday, November 4, 2018

Download the 2019 Call for Exhibition Proposals

The Spudnik Press Exhibitions Program invites exhibition proposals from artists and curators. This is our annual opportunity for individuals or collaborators to submit proposals for solo or small group exhibitions. Proposals may be for existing or new work. Membership at Spudnik Press is not required to submit proposals.

In 2019, Spudnik Press will present a total of five exhibitions. Of these five exhibitions, three will be juried selections. Additionally, new in 2019, one of three juried exhibition spots will be awarded to a distinguished proposal submitted by a Spudnik Press member, whether that is a solo or small group exhibition.

Exhibition proposals are reviewed by a committee of Spudnik Press active members, as well as guest curators. Final selections are made using the organizations’s curatorial statement (below) as a guidepost. Strong proposals will resonate with the curatorial priorities of Spudnik Press Cooperative.

Please note, while installations and performances may be included in proposals, 2-D or wall-mounted artwork is typically best suited for the gallery, which functions as a multi-purpose space. Additionally, we welcome proposals from beyond Chicago, however, applicants should be aware that there is a very limited budget per exhibition and they may be responsible for much of the shipping costs and travel to and from Spudnik Press.

Spudnik Press Cooperative Curatorial Statement:

Spudnik Press exhibitions amplify the impact of our resources by providing opportunities for artists and audiences to move through a variety of creative roles: from making to experiencing, and learning to teaching.

Spudnik Press showcases work that has ongoing relevance to our mission and vision, while also encouraging a breadth of community participation. Exhibitions create an active platform to expand and diversify our cooperative.

To achieve these goals, Spudnik Press Exhibitions:

  • Are selected by a curatorial committee that includes active members.
  • Emphasize printmaking and print-based projects within contemporary art practices.
  • Showcase the creative, analytical and/or technical process of art making.
  • Feature exceptional projects, whether produced at Spudnik Press or beyond.
  • Engage diverse levels of professional experience.

Spudnik Press Exhibitions offer participating artists opportunities to:

  • Produce new fine art prints.
  • Present corresponding educational programming.
  • Present Artist Talks.


  • Proposals due: Sunday, November 4, 2018.
  • Applicants will be notified by Friday, November 16, 2018.
  • Exhibitions will occur between January 2019 and January 2020. The first juried exhibition for 2019 is scheduled for January 11 – March 16, 2019.
  • Exhibitions typically run for 9 weeks with two weeks in between shows for gallery preparation.

Additional Exhibition Resources:

Archive of Past Exhibitions
Guide for Curators
Download the 2019 Call for Exhibition Proposals*

*Please note, while not required, we appreciate exhibition proposals that give consideration to our gallery’s capabilities and limitations. For this reason, we highly recommend that you make use of the gallery floor plan in developing your exhibition, especially if your proposal will include any installation-based work.

To Apply:

Please e-mail the following proposal materials to with “2019 Exhibition Proposal” in the subject line.

1) PDF including the documents listed below in the following order:

  • Applicant(s) contact information. Please include your address, phone number, and email address.
  • Working title for the exhibition.
  • Exhibition/Curatorial Statement.Description of the exhibition, both conceptually and visually. (500 words max)
  • Artist Statement(s) and Bio(s). Brief statement for each artist and bio for each artist. Include websites, blogs, notable artistic achievements, other relevant material.
  • Resume or CV. Please only submit a resume or CV for the applicant(s), not each individual artist.
  • Three professional references. Please include relationship to the applicant(s).
  • Image List. Including artist name, title, year of completion, medium, dimensions, and name of file.
  • Public Program (optional). Applicants are welcome to submit a brief description for a public program related to the exhibitions, i.e. an artist talk, workshop, etc.

2) Sample Images:

  • For both solo exhibitions and small group exhibitions, include up to 10 images of work that will be included in the exhibition.
  • Sketches may be included for forthcoming work.
  • Images need not exceed 1 MB each.
  • Work samples files should be labeled as follows: LASTNAME_01.jpg, LASTNAME_02.jpg, etc.

Accepted Exhibition Proposals

Accepted applicants will be notified by Friday, November 16, 2018. Spudnik Press staff will work with the accepted applicants to determine the exhibition’s dates, layout, timeline for the production of the small-run micro publication, and other programming details. Artwork on loan to Spudnik Press may be available for sale at the discretion of the artist(s). The artist(s) may request that purchasers contact them directly. Spudnik Press kindly asks for 25% of the proceeds from sales made be donated to the studio.


Please direct any questions to Incomplete exhibition proposals will not be considered.

Above photo by Robert Chase Heisman.

DEADLINE EXTENDED! 2018 Annual Benefit Call for Artwork | Juried by Oli Watt


This opportunity is for members of Spudnik Press only. If you are not currently a member please join or renew prior to submitting artwork.

The Annual Benefit is our largest fundraiser of the year, which raises upwards of $20,000 to be invested in our studio and programs. Each year, the event’s art auction draws upwards of 150 collectors, curators and arts professionals to support Spudnik, bid on art, and discover emerging artists. Past benefit attendees include curators from the MCA, DePaul Art Museum, AIC, Hyde Park Art Center, as well as dozens of gallerists and private collectors.

Building on the success of last year, the auction will once again feature a juried selection of artwork by our members. This year’s member section will be curated by esteemed artist and educator Oli Watt. Each member featured in the auction will have their work framed and receive complimentary admission to the benefit.

This is an exciting and wonderful opportunity for our members to have their work reviewed by an established artist and reach new audiences, as well as a way to support your studio. 100% of the sales from the Benefit Auction will support Spudnik Press Cooperative.

To Participate:

  1. Drop off up to 5 pieces of artwork by Saturday, August 11, 2018.
  2. When dropping off your work, fill out and attach an artwork submission form to each piece. Ask staff or studio monitors for assistance.
  3. All artwork will be reviewed by Oli Watt for inclusion in the Annual Benefit auction.
  4. Members will be notified of acceptance by Friday, August 31, 2018.
  5. Save the date for the October 20th Annual Benefit! Artists selected to be featured in the auction will receive one complimentary ticket and access to discounted tickets for their guests.


  •    Participating artists must be current Spudnik Press members.
  •    There is no participation or entry fee.
  •    Participants may submit up to 5 artworks.
  •    Artwork dimensions must not exceed 22 × 30 inches.
  •    Recent artwork is preferred.

Guest Curator Bio:

Oli Watt is a Chicago-based artist, educator and the curator of Free Range Gallery. Watt received his BFA from the University of Florida and his MFA from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago, where he currently serves as Assistant Professor in the Printmedia Department. His work has been exhibited at the Brooklyn Museum of Art, Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago, Spencer Brownstone, New York, Rocket Gallery, London, and the Terra Museum of American Art, Chicago, to name a few. Watt’s work has also been published in Art on Paper, Art US, New Yorker, New Art Examiner, and the Village Voice. He is the recipient of the Maxine and Stuart Applebaum Award of Excellence and the Tweed Museum of Art Purchase Award.

Corresponding Events:

Bad Wedding Annual Benefit
Saturday, October 20, 2018

Please direct any questions you may have to

DEADLINE EXTENDED! Call for Artists: Collective Ground | 2018 Annual Member Exhibition

Collective Ground | Annual Member Exhibition
September 7 – October 20, 2018
Opening Reception: Friday, September 7, 6:00 – 9:00 p.m.


This fall, our Annual Member Exhibition will provide an insider view on the art of collaboration, with a focus on the free form exchange of ideas, skills and know-how that takes place daily at Spudnik Press. More specifically, we seek to highlight work that is created collaboratively by our members, whether that is a fine art print, gig poster, zine, or mixed media piece that includes print.

Through this exhibition we celebrate the coming together of different artistic approaches and ideas that emerge from these collaborations, which in turn help craft a deeper understanding of our art practice, each other, and our surrounding communities.


  • The exhibition is not juried and is open to all Spudnik Press members.
  • There is no entry fee to participate.
  • Participants may exhibit up to 2 collaborative artworks.
  • If work is available for sale, Spudnik Press retains 50% of income from the sale of artwork during the exhibition.


  • Participating artists must be current Spudnik Press members.
  • All artwork must have been partially or fully produced at Spudnik Press.
  • Artwork must be ready to hang.
  • Artwork dimensions must not exceed 22 x 30 in. 
  • Recent artwork made within the last two years is preferred.

To Participate:

  1. Complete the Online Sign Up Form by Saturday, August 11, 2018.
  2. Email with 2-3 hi-res images of your work by Friday, August 3, 2018 to be considered for inclusion in the promotional materials for the exhibition. Please include artist names, title, and year of completion in file name. Images should not exceed 1 MB each.
  3. Drop off artwork by Friday, August 24, 2018.
  4. Pick up artwork by Saturday, October 27, 2018 at 4:00 p.m.

Please direct any questions you may have to Additionally, if you are interested in participating in the exhibition, but do not yet count with a collaborator, our Member Directory and Member Interviews are great ways to help you get started and learn more about our community of printmakers. 

Chicago Print Crawl Spudnik Member Art Market

Sunday, June 24
12pm – 8pm

$12 Full Table
$8 Half Table

This opportunity is for members of Spudnik Press only. If you are not currently a member please join or renew prior to signing up.

Members! This summer we are very excited to be organizing a super fun all Chicago event, the Chicago Print Crawl. The crawl part includes a self-guided tour of printmaking production, publishing, exhibition and sales venues throughout the City of Chicago. We’ve already got more than a dozen stops on the tour. Naturally, Spudnik is one of them.

The Chicago Print Crawl takes place Sunday, June 24, 2018 from 12-6 pm with an after party for all the venues and participants from 6-8pm.

The Spudnik stop will include shop tours, print activities, and a parking lot party with music, food, and cold beverages. Most importantly though, is the opportunity for you to show and sell your work.  The art market portion of the event (and After Party) will be located at the beautiful new Low Res Studios on the first floor. Air-conditioned and no worries if the weather is crappy. We look forward to highlighting the member participants as we promote the event.

The fee covers the cost of a table and a chair. Artist are responsible for their own signage, sales, packaging, etc. If you want to bring a friend to work the table with you, you’ll want to bring that second seat.

To Participate:

  1. Pay the full table or half table fee online. Spaces are first come, firs serve.
  2. Send us your links and handles: Send us an email with your website and social media handles.
  3. Look for an email with more details about how to help promote the event.

Private Studio: Annex East

Housed within a 3,000 square foot shared workspace and community printshop, our private studios are ideal for active printmakers, as well as book artists, and artists who work with a variety of 2-D media or small scale 3-D media.


Available April 1, 2018.


$350/month includes 24-hour access to Printshop equipment and general supplies.
$290/month without Printshop access


8 x 13 feet
104 sq. feet
8 foot walls, high ceilings
Has hot water heat in corner of studio.
Locking door
Includes A/C, heat, internet, utilities
Hardwood floors

Download our Private Studios PDF for more details.
Email staff
 with questions or to schedule a time to see the studio.

Interested in 24-hour access but don’t need a private studio? Learn about Keyholder Access.

2018 Studio Fellowship: Call for Applications

Deadline to Apply: March 25, 2018

Spudnik Press is accepting applications for our newly revamped fellowship program!

The Spudnik Press Cooperative Studio Fellowship is committed to providing Chicago’s most committed and talented emerging artists with comprehensive professional opportunities and artistic and technical support. To this end, the Studio Fellowship packages many opportunities for artists to advance their artistic practice.

During this seven-month program, Fellows receive unfettered access to the professional printmaking facilities at Spudnik Press Cooperative. By working in our shared studio and monitoring weekly Open Studio sessions, fellows are actively engaged with our community of printmakers and benefit from ongoing support and feedback from staff and peers.

The impact of the fellowship program is greatly expanded through a weekly professional development seminar, as well as by providing Fellows with the unique experience of planning and presenting two culminating public projects.

Fellows also receive advanced notice and discounted registration for all Professional Practices Programs offered to our members. Opportunities include portfolio reviews with curators, off-site visits to resources and arts professionals throughout Chicago, exhibition opportunities, and more. By gifting each fellow a complimentary one-year Studio Membership, fellows can continue to take advantage of all member opportunities for the five months following their Fellowship.

 Studio Fellowship Mission

The Spudnik Press Cooperative Studio Fellowship is an intensive seven-month program that provides emerging artists opportunities to develop the artistic and professional skills needed to build a successful career in the arts. Key program components work in conjunction to provide mentorship, technical training, meaningful interactions with art professionals, public programming experience, and leadership opportunities. These key program components consist of the following:

  • Access to professional printmaking facilities
  • Weekly seminars addressing various elements of professional practices
  • Leadership experience through regularly monitoring Open Studio sessions.
  • Presentation opportunities through two culminating public projects.

Furthermore, as ambassadors of Spudnik Press Cooperative, Fellows play an important role in ensuring our members and studio users have a welcoming experience at our shop and also help us grow our community. The contributions Fellows make to our day-to-day operations are invaluable and help shape the future of our facilities.


The Studio Fellowship program best supports:

  • Emerging artists, typically recent college graduates.
  • Artists with substantial printmaking experience, such that they are able to perform all monitoring duties.
  • Artists whose current art practice requires access to printmaking facilities.
  • Artist who have are already dedicated to a regular studio practice.
  • Artists who are able to commit about 8 hours a week to the fellowship program in addition to maintaining their art practice.
  • Artists whose goal is to create or sell art a primary source of income.
  • Artist in transitional points in their career.
  • Artists seeking opportunities to meet Chicago-based arts professionals.
  • Artists interested in building meaningful connections with a creative community.

To Apply

Please thoroughly review the SPC Fellowship Information Packet. Download and complete the 2018 Studio Fellowship Application Form. Return this application form and all requested materials to no later than Sunday, March 25, 2018.

Important Dates:

  • Deadline to Apply: Sunday, March 25, 2018
  • Fellowship Period: May 2 – November 30, 2018
  • Fellowship Orientation & Training: May 2018. Dates & times TBD.
  • Weekly Professional Development Seminar: Wednesdays 2:00 – 4:00 p.m. beginning May 2.
  • Individual Monitor Shifts Begin: Friday, June 1, 2018

 Any inquiries regarding our Studio Fellowship can be directed to Marcela A. Serment,

2018 Residency Program: Call for Applications

Deadline to Apply: April 1, 2018 

The Spudnik Press Cooperative Residency Program provides mid-career to established artists one to six weeks of full studio access and the support necessary for the production of new print-based artwork. The Residency Program supports a broad range of artists, including those working outside of the discipline of printmaking and in communities beyond Chicago. Each residency will be modified to adapt to the interests and needs of the individual artist.

The Resident Artists also play an integral role in the Spudnik Press community, bringing new perspectives, experiences and resources as they partake in a variety of public programs and professional opportunities throughout the duration of their residency. These activities vary from one artist to the next and may entail participating in artist talks, private events, and critiques, teaching master workshops, or presenting an exhibition.

For the first time, our Residency Program is now open to national and international artists. However, the program is dedicated to supporting at least one local artist each year.

To Apply:

Please download and review our 2018 Residency Information Packet. Return all requested materials to no later than April 1, 2018.

Important Dates:

  • Deadline To Apply: April 1, 2018. Notification will be sent approximately one month after application deadline.
  • Residency Period: June 1, 2018 – August 31, 2018
  • Duration: One and six weeks

Please be advised that additional logistical criteria will be considered in the selection process such as budget, scheduling, and alignment with other planned programs at Spudnik Press Cooperative. Stipends offered to each resident artist will vary based on the duration of the residency, travel distance or travel costs, and estimated time commitment to community-based activities such as teaching, guest speaking, and providing studio visits.

Please direct all questions to

Call for Summer 2018 Class & Workshop Proposals | Due 1/21/18

Three times each year, we accept proposals from both new-to-Spudnik and veteran Teaching Artists to lead “Special Topics” classes and workshops. These workshops and classes, usually offered as a one-time opportunity, allow us to host guest teaching artists, teach intermediate or advanced skills, present atypical or unique workshop topics, and occasionally even align learning opportunities to other programs like our exhibitions.

Proposals for Summer 2018 Special Topics Classes are due Sunday, January 21. For all the details please download our 2018 Spudnik Call for Class Proposals. To apply, complete and return our 2018 Class Proposal Form or 2018 Workshop Proposal Form along with a Supply Request Form.

Incomplete applications will not be reviewed. Please direct all questions to

Spudnik Members: It’s not too late to join our 2018 Exhibitions Committee!

The Spudnik Press Exhibitions Committee provides a platform for members to take the lead in the curatorial process for our exhibitions. It acts as a steering committee for exhibition-related opportunities, assists with all areas of exhibition development, and helps promote gallery events. The goal of the Committee is to organize and help select exhibitions that amplify the impact of resources at Spudnik Press by providing opportunities for artists and audiences to move through a variety of creative roles: from making to experiencing, from learning to teaching. The Committee is fully supported by Spudnik Press staff who lead meetings, manage all exhibitions, oversee budgets, and assist with other areas as needed.

General Responsibilities:

The Exhibitions Committee is responsible for reviewing and selecting proposals for solo exhibitions, group shows and/or curated shows. It also contributes to the development of additional programs offered in conjunction with each show, such as artist talks and  workshops. Committee members are asked to help out with various stages of each exhibition, including installation, photography, and gallery events.

Specific Activities:

  • Participate in quarterly committee meetings
  • Help develop guidelines and selection criteria for exhibition proposals
  • Review and select exhibitions that meet the goals of the Exhibitions Committee and align with the mission of Spudnik Press Cooperative
  • Contribute creatively and collaboratively during installation of exhibitions and gallery events
  • When appropriate, help author calls for entries and exhibition copy
  • Collaborate with other committee members on promotional materials
  • Work within established exhibition budgets
  • Increase exposure of the exhibitions and related programs
  • Give adequate time and energy to the duties required


By joining the Spudnik Press Exhibitions Committee, members are committing to a one-year position with the option to renew each calendar year, in addition to the requirements listed below.

  • Must maintain a current membership at Spudnik Press Cooperative throughout 2018.
  • Must be able to commit to attending all quarterly Exhibitions Committee Meetings.
  • Must commit for 6-8 hours in the production of 1-2 exhibitions. Members can select volunteer activities that best suit their skills, interests and availability.

2018 Meeting Dates:                                               The Current Committee:
January 17, 2018                                                            Yasaman Moussavi
April 18, 2018                                                                 Catherine Norcott
July 18, 2018                                                                   Parita Shah
October 17, 2018

To Apply:

  • Email with the subject line “Exhibitions Committee” by January 3, 2018.
  • Please include your name, phone number, and a statement of interest explaining why you would like to be a member of the Exhibitions Committee and what you hope to gain from this experience (500 words maximum).
  • The exhibition committee is first come, first serve. If response exceeds our capacity, a waitlist will be formed.
*Image: Cassie Tompkins Exhibition, Opening Reception August 11, 2017.

2018 Call for Exhibition Proposals

Deadline to Apply: January 7, 2018

Download the 2018 Call for Exhibition Proposals

The Spudnik Press Exhibitions Program invites exhibition proposals from artists and curators. This is our annual opportunity for individuals or collaborators to submit unsolicited proposals for solo or small group exhibitions. Proposals may be for existing or new work. Membership at Spudnik Press is not required to submit proposals.

Exhibitions are selected by a committee of Spudnik Press members using the curatorial statement (below) as a guidepost for all curatorial decisions. Strong proposals will resonate with the curatorial priorities of Spudnik Press Cooperative.

While exhibitions may feature artwork in any media, 2-D or wall-mounted artwork is typically best suited for the gallery, which functions as a multi-purpose space. We welcome proposals from beyond Chicago, however, applicants should be aware that there is a very limited budget per exhibition and may be responsible for much of the shipping costs and travel to and from Chicago.

Spudnik Press Cooperative Curatorial Statement:

Spudnik Press exhibitions amplify the impact of our resources by providing opportunities for artists and audiences to move through a variety of creative roles: from making to experiencing, and learning to teaching.

Spudnik Press showcases work that has ongoing relevance to our mission and vision, while also encouraging a breadth of community participation.  Exhibitions create an active platform to expand and diversify our cooperative.

To achieve these goals, Spudnik Press exhibitions:

  • Are selected by a curatorial committee of active members.
  • Emphasize printmaking and print-based projects within contemporary art practices.
  • Showcase the creative, analytical or technical process of art making.
  • Feature exceptional projects, whether produced at Spudnik Press or beyond.
  • Engage diverse levels of professional experience.

Spudnik Press exhibitions offer participating artists opportunities to:

  • Produce new fine art prints.
  • Present corresponding educational programming.
  • Present Artist Talks.


  • Proposals due: Sunday, January 7, 2018
  • Applicants will be notified by February 2, 2018
  • Exhibitions will occur between early Spring 2018 and February 28, 2019.
  • Exhibitions typically run between 5 and 8 weeks.

Additional Exhibition Resources:

Archive of Past Exhibitions
Guide for Curators 
Download the 2018 Call for Exhibition Proposals

To Apply:

E-mail the following to with “Exhibition Proposal” in the subject line:

1) PDF including the following documents in the following order:

  • Working title of the exhibition
  • Exhibition Narrative: Description of the exhibition, both conceptually and visually. 150 – 250 words.
  • Artist Statement(s) and Bio(s): Brief statement for each artist and bio for each artist. Include websites, blogs, notable artistic achievements, other relevant material.
  • Resume or CV: No longer than two pages. Please only submit a resume for the curator, solo artist or main contact for group shows, not each individual artist.
  • Three professional references for the curator, solo artist or main contact
  • Image list including artist name, title, medium, year of completion, dimensions, and name of file

2) Work Samples:

  • For solo exhibitions, include up to 10 images of work that will be included in the exhibition. Group exhibition proposals may include up to 3 images per artist. Sketches may be included for forthcoming work. Please include an image list. Images need not exceed 1 MB each.
  • Work samples files should be titled LASTNAME_01.jpg, LASTNAME_02.jpg, etc.

Please direct any questions to

Image: Installation view of “I Will Love You Forever/Hans + Eva Rausing” Exhibition, featuring work by Jacob Saunders.

Call for Participants for Chicago: A Cross-Town Exchange | Print Exchange & Exhibition


Spudnik Press, in collaboration with the 2017 Spudnik Press Exhibition Committee, is excited to announce its next print exchange and exhibition, Chicago: A Cross-Town Exchange.

Over the years, printmakers have played an active role in the Chicago community, taking on roles as publishers, distributors and organizers. However, as use of automation and digital technology changed the face of commercial printing, a new group of Chicago printers emerged. Independent, artist-run shops, including Landfall Press and Plucked Chicken Press were among the first to open in the 1970s. Today, numerous print shops have sprouted across the city and  continue to engage the community through organizing and education. Chicago: A Cross-Town Exchange seeks to invite discussion and collaboration among the diverse and exciting body of printers living and working across Chicago.

All interested printmakers must live/work in Chicago. Artists affiliated with a local printmaking studio or organization(s) are strongly encouraged to apply, including Spudnik Press students.

The portfolio culminates in an exhibition at Spudnik Press Cooperative’s Annex Gallery, 1821 W. Hubbard St., Suite 302, Chicago, IL 60622. Each participant will receive a portfolio with 20 randomly collated prints from the exchange in a protective case.


Theme: Chicago: A Cross-Town Exchange
Co-Curators: 2017 Spudnik Press Exhibition Committee and Marcela Andrade Serment, Program Director
Paper Size: 11” x 14”
Medium: Fine art prints. No digital prints please.
Edition Size: 25 signed and numbered prints
Participation Fee: $20 payable to Spudnik Press upon registration*
*Fee covers the cost of the colophon, glassine, and portfolio case.


Deadline to Apply: October 22, 2017
Deadline to Receive Prints: December 15, 2017
Exhibition: January 19 – February 24, 2018
Artist Reception: Friday, January 19, 2018, 6-9 pm

To Apply:

1. Download the prospectus.
2. Please complete and submit the registration form.
3. Submit payment with registrations form.
4. Make sure to drop off work by December 15, 2017 deadline.

At the time of drop off, portfolio participants will be checked against a list for pre-registration. Editions will be checked for compliance with the portfolio guidelines and participant will need to complete a submission form listing title, media, etc. Questions? Email