Experimental Monotypes “Make It & Take It” Workshop
Making monotypes is incredibly immediate and playful type of printmaking, and well suited to first time printers and artists who typically work with paint, mixed media, and sculpture. This flexible printmaking process can produce a large range of aesthetics. By learning about the properties of watercolor, paper, pressure, and how these things interact, students can make prints with subtle tonality, dynamic textures, graphic shapes, painterly marks, or a blend of all of these.
This workshop will focus on monotypes that use plexiglass, water-based materials, and stencils to blend additive and reductive methods of image making. Students should come with some sketches or ideas of what they would like to create, while being ready to explore and experiment.
Please note: Each student will have a dedicated work station and enrollment is limited to 4 students to ensure social distancing. Students will be expected to disinfect shared resources after use and follow all our Covid-related safety precautions. The class fees cover tuition as well as consumable studio supplies.