Letterpress Finesse (April 2016)
After completing a Letterpress I and/or Letterpress II, students can elevate their skills by devising a larger project to focus on throughout this eight-week course. This class is designed to push each student from concept and design through to a much more extensive end result than Letterpress I or II projects. An example of a project could be, but not limited to: a small book of bound poems, a calendar, a collection of greeting cards, a series of gig posters, or a suite of wedding invites. The first day kicks of with a class discussion to allow peers to brainstorm ideas, sketch, and develop a project plan.
Following weeks focus on setting type, design, plate making, printing technique, and basic press maintenance. In progress critiques will push the work to remain on target, and be smart, aesthetically interesting or beautiful, and engaging. Students will graduate Letterpress Finesse with a better understanding of typography, honed printing skills, and professional craftsmanship. Enrollment is limited to 6 students.